Saturday, 18 February 2017

Sheldon, Birmingham - primary school

43 trainees

Following No Outsiders training, 86% of respondents felt more confident talking about the Equality Act to children in school.

Following No Outsiders training, 90% of respondents felt more confident talking about LGBT issues to children in school.

Following No Outsiders training, 88% of respondents felt more confident talking to parents about an inclusive curriculum.

- Enjoyable/ engaging delivery
- Fantastic!
- Well presented great!
- Fantastic! I think it's a great job you're doing in your school and it makes me feel proud!
- Thank you. Session was brilliant.
- Really great talk. Interesting.
- Very good
- Well presented and enjoyed the role play activities
- This was a fantastic session. I knew it would be inspiring and seeing peoples faces I know it was. Thank you- real meaningful impact, most important
- Brilliant, well delivered
- Brilliant training and ethos
- Excellent session
- Very well delivered

Saturday, 4 February 2017

Trainee Teachers (Primary) Birmingham

19 trainees

Following No Outsiders training, 78% of respondents felt more confident talking about the Equality Act to children in school.
Following No Outsiders training, 78% of respondents felt more confident talking about LGBT issues to children in school.

Following No Outsiders training, 68% of respondents felt more confident talking to parents about an inclusive curriculum.

- A very concise and precise informative session. It was really good that parents concerns were addressed. This is what partnership means. 
- I feel more confident discussing these ideas in a school setting, thank you!
- Really good to see, I feel happier about my community to see what schools are involved in.
- I think your school ethos is great and I would happily work in an establishment such as this. Keep the work going and hopefully other schools will take this on.
-I found the choice of literature to be very helpful for introducing topics that may have been difficult to talk about otherwise. 
-Really useful and helpful. Especially coming from an area which is White British and not having met a Muslim till I was 18, I feel more confident now.
- The consistent, whole school approach clearly works well and it is evident that the sense of openness and dialogue with the parents has been effective. I will definitely use some of these approaches in school
- I thought this session was informative and covered issues which I have not dealt with personally working across schools. It has given me some insight in to dealing with equalities which I will take forward in to my practice. I enjoyed the videos, good to see many children's attitudes and the acceptance of different people, communities and backgrounds.
- Full of loads of really fantastic information with practical ideas built in as well. Lots to thin about and try to build in to my own teaching. Brilliant to see it working so well with children and parents alike - would be great to see this expanded.
- I really enjoyed the session. I have learnt a lot and feel confident about teaching children equality. It;s lovely to see children at your school have an understanding of equality and British values.
- Really glad to see such positive results
- No Outsiders is excellent. Much more effective than I first thought. It should be used in many more schools.

Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Governors and Head Teachers - Warwickshire

80 trainees

"Prevent and Prepare"Warwickshire schools event
"No Outsiders in our school: Teaching resilience in children"

Saturday, 21 January 2017

Trainee Teachers (Secondary) University of Birmingham

27 trainees

Following No Outsiders training, 74% of respondents felt more confident discussing the Equality Act with young people in school.

Following No Outsiders training, 70% of respondents felt more confident discussing  LGBT issues with young people in school.

- Very good, interactive + opportunity to ask questions
- Very helpful session! I feel comfortable discussing news issues with students in schools 
- Very interesting 
-Really informative
- Very interesting and informative - super session
- Passionate and engaging! Excellent!
-Very Interesting session. Great to hear about the No Outsiders ethos
- Great lesson. More confident in informing children and young people about these issues
- need a longer session (session was 50 minutes)
- Enjoyed the photo reflection at the end. Very good overall 
- Very engaging session. Learned lots especially about the No Outsides scheme
- Brilliant session

Selly Oak, Birmingham - Secondary School

33 trainees

Following No Outsiders training, 78% of respondents felt more confident discussing the Equality Act with young people in school.

Following No Outsiders training, 81% of respondents felt more confident discussing  LGBT issues with young people in school.

Following No Outsiders training, 63% of respondents felt more confident discussing news stories about acts of terrorism or violence with young people in school


- Really informative and interesting - thanks
- Fantastic!
- Thank you
- Excellent work - keep it up. You are inspirational!
- Thank you
- A really nice session, thank you
- Nice session - thank you
- Thank you- very useful / practical session

Salford, Manchester- Primary School

11 trainees

Following No Outsiders training, 90% of respondents felt more confident talking about the Equality Act to children in school.

Following No Outsiders training, 100% of respondents felt more confident talking about LGBT issues to children in school.

Following No Outsiders training, 100% of respondents felt more confident talking to parents about an inclusive curriculum.

-Examples excellent to support how to implement at school and discuss potential sensitive issues around the Equality Act
-Thank you- very interesting and enjoyable
-Interesting session, particularly looking at the books to teach these values
-Brilliant session, showed how easy and straight forward it can be to teach awareness and acceptance
-Really helpful 
-Some amazing resource ideas - books and lesson ideas
-Lots of resources and activities shared, thank you. It was interesting to see the video of how it worked and developed at your school.
- Really lovely session. Thank you for all of the ideas and resources.
-Brilliant informative session with lots of ideas and great suggestions of books to use with children. Really enjoyed the training. 
-Lots of great resources that can be used in the classroom - thank you
-Really helpful, I love the role play activities and books. It is encouraging to see how far your school have come in just a few years and that equality can be "drip fed" - Thank you.